Sophie Molins
Visit Dorset Pavilion on the Lost Sheep Website
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Photographer, filmmaker, anthropologist & artist

Touching on themes of love, loss, attachment, childhood, addiction, incarceration and more, SOPHIE MOLINS creative work always speaks to the human condition.

A photographer, filmmaker, anthropologist and New York Times and Arts Council award-winning artist, MOLINS is also an activist and group facilitator with a long history working in education, addiction and climate change.

MOLINS creates through the lens of psychology, philosophy, feminism and anthropology; addressing universal emotions and responses, constantly questioning what it is to be human. 

View full Molins’ full Biography and CV here, or continue below to view selected works.

Sophie Molins



Lostsheep (2021)

Happy Ending, Happy Ever After (2019)

Inland Island (2017)

Music to Swim to (2013)

The Protestor (2012)

Share of Water (2011)

Magic Tricks (1995)

Sophie Molins



Woodfolk (2021)

Las Meninas (2019)

Nurture Nature (2013)

It Really Doesn't Matter (2012)

Do not succumb to fear of shadows (2012)

The Protestor (2012)

27 Bones (2011)

Lookout Residency (2011)

The Impossibility of Escapism (2010)

Psychometry (2010)

Pearl Grey Haze (2004)

Home is where I want to be (2000)

Torrid Zone (2000)

Zoo (1994)

Nostalgic Cannibalism (updated 2021)

I've got nothing to say... (updated 2021)

Vintage Prints (1986-96)

Sophie Molins



Sundial in moonlight (2011)

Deep down Dark Horse (2009)

Don't Forget the Monkey (2009)

Sophie Molins (2008)